Dangerous Goods
For Security purposes and According to the Laws of all Countries the following items are prohibited to be carried with the turned in Baggage and Hand Luggage:
Briefcases with included Alarm system
Explosive ordnance, Pyrotechnic Articles, Torches
Gas Containers, for example Irritant Gas, Pepper Spray, Camping Gas Heater
Containers with flammable Liquids, e.g. Lighter Fluid, Paint, Lacquer, cleaning Agent
easy flammable fabrics, e.g. matches
Substances, that create flammable Gases once in contact with water
Oxidizing Fabrics, e.g. z. B. Bleacher, Peroxide
Poisonous (toxic) and und contagious Fabrics, e.g. Quicksilver, Bacteria- and viruses
Radioactive Materials and Articles
Corrosive Fabrics, e.g. Acids, Leaches, Wet Batteries
Strong Magnetic Materials
Tools and devices run with gasoline, that already had the smallest amount of gasoline in hem (e.g. for Testing)
New Security Regulations for Hand Baggage
Dangerous Goods (DE)